choosing soap making recipes
Soap making recipes are the heart of this creative hobby and on your quest to finding out how to make soap you will read about different soap making supplies and methods.
As you go about wanting to find out more about how tomake soap; you will read many soap making recipes.
There are all kinds ofsoap recipes to choose from…which just confirms the versatility of soapcrafting and that anyone no matter what their knowledge or skills can make somewonderfully scented and great looking soap. will guide you to picking the soapmaking method that best suits you and what you hope to accomplish.There are many soap making recipes to get you started.
We have compiled a list of fun soap making recipes andsoap making instructions that will introduce you to how to make soap.
We suggest that you read the soap making instructionsbefore picking a recipe to see if the method matches what you want to do.
melt and pour soap making

This method consists of using premade soap products or ready-made blocks (goat’s milk, olive oil, glycerin) and melting them in the microwave or double-boiler.
Once the soap base is hot and liquid you can then add color (comestible dyes or natural colorants), scent (fragrance or essential oils) and even exfoliants (such as oatmeal, dried herbs) as well as butters and oils (jojoba oil, vitamin E or buttermilk) to soften and smooth the skin.
Once the soap has been poured into the molds (candy molds, plastic dishes and containers or purchased soap molds) and allowed to dry, you’re left with usable soaps.
TimeRequired: Soap can be made in about 60 to 90 minutes.
Skilllevel and soap making instructions: Everyone can do it! Get your kids involvedor Have a glass of wine!
Product:Soap is ready right away and you can be very creative with this method especiallyif you have access to fun molds.
Soapmaking supplies: Craft store and your own kitchen equipment should be enough.
- Ease and simplicity
- Fast set up and quick clean up
- Do not need to use lye (sodium hydroxide)
- Versatile and creative, you can make it personal
- Product is ready right away; this is the method to use if you want to giveyour friend something special when you go to her dinner party TOMORROW!
melt and pour soap making recipes
- Oatmeal and Honey
- Oatmeal Morning Sunshine
- Honey Cornmeal
- Honey Milk Spice Rack
- Lavender Swirl
- Lavender Eucalyptus
- Watermelon Slices
cold process soap making (CP)

Thismethod allows you to make soap from scratch thanks to a process calledsaponification. The process involves dissolvinglye (sodium hydroxide) to liquid (most often water, tea, frozen goat milk). Thelye-liquid solution is then added to melted oils (coconut oil, palm,lard).
Working with lye requires some care because of the strong fumesand risk of burning the skin, but overall it is an easy process that allows youthe benefit of controlling exactly what goes into your soap. You can addcoloring, fragrance, herbs, exotic oils and butter—anything you like. The soapis poured in silicon or wooden molds for larger batches; it is then cut andneeds to cure.
TimeRequired: Soap is made in a two step process, making the soap then unmoldingand cutting for curing. This can take a few hours, better to have a half a dayor whole evening.
Skilllevel and soap making instructions: You need to follow the directions toset up. You need to understand and use safety precautions when handling lye (sodiumhydroxide). No kids helping out and no wine!
Product:Soap will require 3 to 6 weeks to cure; you need to plan this out if you wishto gift soap to family and friends. You can achieve handmade soaps that are incredible! The process allows you to grow and perfect your own signaturesoaps.
Soapmaking supplies: Grocery store, hardware store (lye) and you may need to lookinto soap making suppliers for certain oils and additives.
- If you can follow a recipe you can make cold process soap
- Sky is the limit about personalizing your soaps! You decide how muchlather and how long the bubbles should last. You can make products that arehandmade with artistic quality.
- Product last longer than other types of soap and can be tailored to benefit people with skin conditions.
cold process soap making recipes
- 100% Coconut Oil
- 100% Crisco
- Aloe Chamomile Shea Butter (baby gentle soap)
- Aloe Vera Cucumber Mint
- Basic 3 oil – Avocado, Coconut and Palm
- Basic 3 oil – Olive, Coconut and Shortening
- Basic 3 oil – Olive, Coconut and Palm
- Basic Lard Soap
- Beeswax Simple
- Beeswax, Honey and Oats
- Calendula Sunflower Cocoa Butter (baby gentle soap)
- Carrot, Honey and Ginger *Fragrance Free*
- Castile 100% Olive oil
- Castile 100% Olive oil Tutorial
- Castile Buttermilk Baby Soap
- Castile – Olive and Coconut
- Castile – Olive, Coconut and Palm
- Castile – Olive and Shortening
- Castile – Olive and Castor
- Castile 100% pomace olive oil
- Charcoal Facial
- Creamy Lard Soap
- Honey Amber
- Honey Oats
- Honey I Spiced the Soap
- Juniper Berries Sage Soap
- Easiest Lard Soap
- Lard and Olive
- Lavender Sage
- Lavender Rosemary
- Oatmeal Cookie Soap
- Oatmeal, Milk and Honey
- Pink Lavender
- Red Wine
- Simple Oatmeal
- Spirulina and Cocoa Soap
- Toasted Oatmeal Almond Soap
- Thai (lime, basil and lemongrass)
hot process soap making (HP)

This is the oldest method isalmost identical to the cold process method that we just covered. The onlydifference is that with this method you use heat in order to speed up thesaponification process and get the benefits of making your soap entirely fromscratch without the long waiting involved in the cold process method. Nocomplex heating systems are required; a stovetop, a crock pot or microwave will suffice. Within a few hours,the soap may be unmolded, sliced into bars, and used. Hot process soap does notrequire any time to cure, to dry, or to harden.
TimeRequired: Soap is made in a two step process, making the soap then unmoldingand cutting for curing. This can take a few hours, better to have a half a dayor whole evening.
Skilllevel and soap making instructions: You need to follow the directions and the soap making recipe. jGather all your supplies and set up. You need to understand and use safety precautions when handling lye (sodiumhydroxide). No kids helping out and no wine!
Product:All the benefits of cold process soap making without having to wait for yoursoaps to cure.
Soapmaking supplies: Grocery store, hardware store (lye) and you may need to lookinto soap making suppliers for certain oils and additives.
- If youcan follow a recipe you can make hot process soap.You do need to use precautions and some elbow grease is required.
- You decide how much lather and howlong the bubbles should last. You can make products that are handmade withartistic quality.
- Coldprocess soap with no (or almost) cure time!
- Productlast longer than other types of soap and can be tailored for benefits forpeople with skin conditions.
hot process soap making recipes
liquid soap making

Liquidsoap is a 2 or 3 step process which uses the hot process method. A paste iscreated and diluted to become “liquid”. Liquid soap is a different type becausethe fatty acids of the oils are neutralized by a different type of lye (potassiumhydroxide). Fragrance, color and additives can be added to create a whole lineof products.
TimeRequired: This can take a half to a full day of preparation and cooking.
Skilllevel and soap making instructions: This soap making process needs some planningand reading. It can be a little tricky at first.
Product:Amazing liquid soap that brings you a whole new world of possibilities. You will save a significant amount of money.
Soapmaking supplies: Soap making suppliers will simplify getting everything youneed.
- Tapinto a whole new world of products to give away of sell.
- Inexpensiveto make.Have morenatural products for all your needs.
- Greatfor sustaining your soap making learning curve.
- Productlast longer than other types of soap and can be tailored for benefits forpeople with skin conditions.
liquid soap making recipes
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Soap Making Methods
- How to Choose Soap Making Recipes
- Melt and Pour Soap Making
- Cold Process Soap Making
- Room Temperature Soap Making
- Hot process soap making
- Rebatching Soap Making
- Liquid Soap Making
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